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宝石开采是从挖掘 淘洗 筛选 加工 销售 ...
整个流程大部分挖掘是靠人工完成 过程漫长而痛苦
从大量砾石中逐步筛选出精美的宝石是大浪淘沙 留下的精华

品牌设计亦是如此 对企业的战略 理念 定位 深度挖掘
整理 分析 当我们最终找到一颗璀璨夺目的“宝石”时
“宝石”因此而稀有 显得更加珍贵


统一性 表达品牌深度的精神内涵 传递特定信息
形成其品牌的视觉语言 体现品牌特性和企业形象
品牌形象是消费者对品牌的所有联想的集合体 是品牌的根基所在

宝石品牌设计 理念:
帮助企业梳理 挖掘 加工 找到企业的 “宝石”「品牌形象核心」

Design director:唐寅 Art direction:枝山
项目组员:唐寅 · 枝山 · 资资 · 琦琦 · 亮亮

The name of the company comes from-gem mining is from mining, washing, screening, processing, sales, Most of the mining in the whole process depends on the long and painful manual completion of the process, and the gradual screening of exquisite gems from a large number of gravel is the essence left by Big Wave Taisha. Brand design is also the essence of the strategic concept of the enterprise. When we finally find a dazzling "jewel", we will appear in front of us to carry the enterprise. Because of this, the most beautiful movement "gemstone" in the long river of industry memory is even more precious-the visual importance of brand image-brand image helps to express the spiritual connotation of brand depth to the clear and effective output of the market, convey the spiritual connotation of brand depth, form the visual language of its brand, embody the brand characteristic and the brand image of enterprise image is consumers to the brand. All Lenovo aggregates are the foundation of the brand-gem brand design concept: to help enterprises sort out and process to find the "gem" and "brand image core" of the enterprise


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