LoRA模型推荐:No More Hair Intakes|AI绘画|Stable Diffusion

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本期要介绍的是来自RedRayz的lora模型“No More Hair Intakes”,根据英文直译过来是可以理解为 "不再接收头发",但根据出图效果来看,其实是会减少动漫角色头部多余冒出来的头发,当然若lora的权重值为正值时,就会在角色头发顶部增加一撮冒出来的头发。具体效果大家可以看下方的出图即可理解了。

下面此lora模型,可以访问C站(civital)搜索“No More Hair Intakes”即可找到此模型进行下载。

输入正向提示词“character:ball,(3:1),extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper,(best quality), ((ultra-detailed)),(masterpiece), (high resolution),cute,white paper shirt,((beautiful gray detail eyes)),hair star,white paper detail pleated skirt,short hair,white hair,(pleated paper ball on head),(hoing on paper ball),blue sky,[smile face on round wrinkle paper ball on ground],jitome,heavy snowy,grassland,blush stickers”

出图参数:“Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 3236294640, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 54ef3e3610, Model: meinamix_meinaV11, Clip skip: 2, AddNet Enabled: True, AddNet Module 1: LoRA, AddNet Model 1: 不再摄入头发hair_intakes(29dabb249369), AddNet Weight A 1: -1.0, AddNet Weight B 1: -1.0, Version: v1.6.0”


我们更换出图提示词“(watercolor_medium), ((ukiyoe style)), ((((masterpiece)))), (((best quality))), (illustration),(1girl:1.5),(solo:1.5), ((an extremely delicate and beautiful)), ((little girl)) , cute, ((hime_cut)), side blunt bangs,(ultramarine hair:1.2), hairs between eyes, ribbons, Bracelet , bare shoulders,((japanese_clothes)), sakura, ((slit pupils)), ((miko)), (off_shoulder), ace, (Kagura Suzu),sword”。从下方2个出图效果都可以看到权重值介入后带来的出图效果变化。

petite, 1girl, solo, white hair,hair intakes, floating hair,head wreath,tiger tooth,galaxy,choker,center frills,torn clothes,embarrassed ,{{{{by famous artist}}}, beautiful, masterpiece, reflective hair, good lighting, {{looking at you}}, {{{{by wadim kashin}}}}, {{{{ray tracing}}}}, flowing hair, glossy hair, {{{super detailed skin}}}, masterpiece, masterwork, detailed, good lighting, glass tint, zoom in on eyes, {{reflective eyes}}, water eyes, portrait of girl,


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